[START] Primary Methodology

Este curso está disponível apenas para escolas parceiras que adotam o selo START.


Target Audience

This course is designed for English teachers working in Brazilian primary schools who want to incorporate and support the teaching of curriculum content subjects within their English programmes.

Course description

The course will consolidate and extend participants’ understanding of key issues in integrating the learning of language and content, including lesson planning, selecting and adapting materials, developing vocabulary of the subject, and conducting assessment. By the end of this course, participants will be able to use a variety of techniques that help students develop their content learning through English, and identify and share outcomes in the language and content areas. Participants will be able to plan and deliver interactive lessons that use a range of strategies to guide students’ understanding and support their spoken and written output.



In the programme of this course, estimated in 25 hours, you will learn about:

• Module 1: First Steps
• Module 2: Working with subject-specific language in English
• Module 3: Following a lesson plan, adapting and creating materials
• Module 4: Selecting, adapting and using published subject-area materials
• Module 5: Planning and conducting assessment of language and content through English


About the author
Claudia Rey is a NILE affiliate trainer who specializes in the areas of Teaching Young Learners, CLIL for Primary Teachers, CLIL for Secondary Teachers and Teaching English through Literature. Claudia is the designer and course leader of NILE’s “Teaching Young Learners” online course. She also designed the “Learning Outside the Classroom” video series (TeachingEnglish/British Council) and moderated the “Teaching Your Subject in English” massive, open, online course (Cambridge English Language Assessment). Claudia’s work as a teacher trainer is deeply rooted in her thirty years of experience as a classroom teacher.

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