[Eduall] Language Test

Este curso está disponível apenas para escolas parceiras que adotam o selo Eduall.


The Macmillan Online Placement Test (OPT) has been designed to help place applicants into groups corresponding to CEFR levels A1 to B2.

For more accurate results the Macmillan OPT must be taken with no help from others and without consulting any materials. As the test progresses, the questions will become more difficult. Encourage students to try to answer as many questions as possible. If at any point you feel the test becomes too difficult, you can quit and then be placed based on the questions answered up to that moment.

It’s important to know  that you should only start the Macmillan OPT if you have enough time to complete it, since it’s not possible to pause it and finish later. The test consists of 100 multiple-choice questions – 60 on grammar and vocabulary and 40 involving listening and reading. Each question is worth one point.

You’ll receive the results further on.




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